As a top provider of auto insurance, the Maryland Auto Insurance Fund has different options of payment plans that allow you to afford great auto coverage. All drivers in Maryland need car insurance and our easy payment plans allow you stay covered and stay on budget.
MAIF payment plans allow you to spread out payments after making your initial down payment. We offer a range of coverage plans to meet your specific needs and your chosen premium will indicate which of our installment plans you can select from. We also offer a discount for customers who pay their annual premium in full for extra savings.
Car insurance is a must and MAIF payment plans allow you to afford your coverage. To improve your rate, safe driving allows you to take advantage of other discounts offered by the Maryland Auto Insurance Fund. Adjusting your deductible could also help you save money. The higher the deductible, the cheaper the rate!
Evaluating your coverage from time to time is also a great way to save on your insurance. By calling 301.476.4887, you can consult with one of our agents who can assist in determining your coverage needs.
No matter your premium, MAIF payment plans allow our drivers to successfully budget and afford their insurance. Our experienced providers can explain our payment plans in great detail and answer any of your questions. Contact any of our convenient locations to get your insurance policy established and set up your payment plan today!