Being denied auto insurance can be frustrating because it may limit your ability to get around. Private companies will not insure certain drivers, or will only offer extremely high rates. Many drivers struggle to find an insurance company that offers coverage to match their income and previous driving history.
No matter the reason you have been denied auto insurance, the Maryland Auto Insurance Fund, My MD Auto, can provide you coverage. My MD Auto is an independent Maryland state provider that issues auto insurance for Maryland drivers who cannot obtain insurance through the private market. My MD Auto was created to ensure that no Maryland driver ever has to be without insurance.
My MD Auto offers the same coverage as other insurers and we even provide exceptional claim services. All of our insurance policies meet the minimal liability coverage required in the state of Maryland. Drivers are able to add extra services onto their policies, such as roadside assistance.
Just like other insurance companies, My MD Auto offers discounts to help drivers save money. A great way to lower your payments is with our safe driver discounts. If a driver maintains a clean driving record, free of accidents and traffic violations, My MD Auto offers cheaper insurance rates. We also offer continued coverage discounts to those who have 12 or more months of continued coverage.
Customer satisfaction is a priority at My MD Auto. We aim to provide fast and reliable service through our qualified team. My MD Auto has convenient office hours and many locations. We can offer rates quickly either online, in person or over the phone. The process is simple and offers instant coverage.
My MD Auto has been providing insurance since 1972. We are there to help drivers who cannot obtain a policy through the private market. Contact us today to get a free quote so you can back on the road worry free!