If you have had other insurance companies turn you down, you may be feeling frustrated. Without car insurance, your mobility is limited and it can begin to interfere with your life. Many private insurance companies will raise prices or deny coverage to customers who have a driving record. This can make it difficult to get insurance that fits your budget. MAIF has you covered.
It does not matter why you were denied auto insurance, Maryland Auto Insurance Fund can help you find coverage for your vehicle. Maryland Auto Insurance Fund covers all Maryland drivers even if they can not find insurance coverage on the private market. No matter the reason you have been denied auto insurance, the Maryland Auto Insurance Fund, has you covered. MAIF providers will provide you with the same coverage as other insurance companies. Our insurance policies are compliant with all state laws and meet the minimal liability requirements. We also offer extra roadside services and excellent customer service.
Maryland Auto Insurance Fund offers various discounts to help safe drivers. If you can keep a clean driving record, free of accidents and traffic violations, you may qualify for lower insurance rates. Sticking with MAIF can also help lower your payments. We offer discounts to customers who continue to use our insurance providers.
MAIF has been providing insurance to Maryland residents since 1972. We are there to help drivers who cannot obtain a policy through the private market. Contact us today to get a free quote so you can back on the road worry-free!