Do not let car troubles stand in the way of getting to your summer destinations. A safe road trip is the best kind. Ensuring a safe journey starts before leaving the driveway. Going through a quick checklist before departing can prevent future stress and panic so you can focus on enjoying the ride.
Summer Driving Tips:
1.) Maintenance check-up. Bringing your car in for a service check is an easy way to make sure your car is up to date and running smoothly. Checking the battery, oil, and tires is a good way to prevent maintenance problems on the road. Especially in the summer, checking the cooling system of the car is important. Keeping your car running cool will help the engine run efficiently and will benefit the life of your engine.
2.) Check your tire pressure and inspect for any damage. Keep your car rolling safely and make sure you always have a spare tire in case of an emergency.
3.) Make sure all the lights are bright and working. This includes headlights, turn signals, brake lights, and interior lights. Staying seen means staying safe. Using running lights and turning on headlights in bad weather is important.
4.) Always wear your seatbelt and make sure your passengers do too. Make it a habit, one simple click can save your life. If you are traveling with children make sure they are in an approved car seat or booster and properly secured.
5.) Put your phones down. Stay alert and do not text while driving, which is illegal in most states. Not only will this help prevent accidents and injuries but it also forces you to stay engaged with what is going on around you. Keep the people around you and in your car safe so everyone can enjoy their journey.
Need car insurance?
We offer Maryland Auto Insurance Fund policies can get you on the road to your summer vacation today. Contact one of our experienced car insurance agents to learn more about a MAIF insurance policy.