In short, yes. If you are currently driving a leased car, you will need to obtain the appropriate insurance. Coverage for a leased car is mandatory. Auto insurance laws vary from state to state, so be sure to check your state requirements. The type of insurance you need to obtain may depend on factors like location, car type, and driving history.
In some states, drivers are required to obtain liability insurance. There are two types of liability insurance: bodily injury coverage and proper injury coverage. Bodily injury coverage usually covers the medical cost for other drivers injured in an accident involving your car. Property injury coverage usually covers damages to another person’s property in the event of an accident.
Insurance For Leased Cars
Most car dealers will require that damage to a leased car is covered by your auto insurance company. Most auto insurance companies will require drivers to obtain:
- Comprehensive Insurance: Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle that isn’t caused by another vehicle or object. Comprehensive insurance covers in the event of theft, fires, and natural disasters.
- Collision Insurance: Collision insurance covers damage to your vehicle caused by a collision with an object or another vehicle.
When receiving a leased car, be sure to talk to you lessor about the required insurance, ask about any additional coverage, and find an auto insurance policy that meets the requirements and works for your needs
Maryland Auto Insurance
Visit MAIF Insurance Provider for your auto insurance needs. Maryland Auto Insurance is an agency where all policies are sold through an authorized Maryland Auto Insurance provider. Our experienced, friendly service representatives can work with you to find the right auto insurance. We have convenient locations in Capitol Heights, Forestville, Largo, Laurel, Silver Spring, Temple Hills, Eastern Maryland Shore, and Western Maryland.
To learn more about auto insurance or to explore your auto insurance options, contact Maryland Auto Insurance. Get a free quote online or call 301.476.4887