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What To Know About Your Tires In The Summer Months

Summer can be fun, especially with trips to the beach or the amusement park. It can be very hot between Memorial Day and Labor Day, and the heat can have some effects on your tires, and it is important to check them before you make that trip down to Ocean City for some fun time at the beach. We are going to explain to you what happens to your tires when the temperature begins to rise and what you should do to make sure that your tires do not fail while traveling and last as long as possible.

Tire Pressure

The air in your tires is measured per square inch more commonly referred to as PSI. A typical tire in a vehicle calls for 30-35 PSI, and when the temperature rises, it will cause your PSI to increase. Roughly, every 10 degrees that the temperature rises, your PSI will rise about 1 PSI.

It may not seem like much, however, if your tires are already at max PSI, then 1 or 2 PSI higher can cause your tires to blow out or even wear unevenly causing you to spend money on tires before you need too. So, it is important to make sure to check your PSI at the gas station when you fill up your tank on hot days.

Warning Signs

Some signs that your tires may be close to a blowout is that your tires of excessively hot when you touch them. An overly hot tire is a sign that your tires are close to a blowout. If your tires are very hot to the touch, make sure not to drive again until they cool down, and then check your tire pressure.

Even if you have a newer vehicle with a tire pressure monitoring system, most of the time, these systems will only notify you if your tire pressure is too low, and not when they are too high.

Worn Tires

Once you know the routine of making sure that your tires are properly inflated, you want to make sure that are in roadworthy condition. There is an easy way that you can check to make sure that you have enough tread on your tires.

We recommend that you grab a penny, and stick it inside the tread of your tires (reference the photo above). Make sure Lincoln’s head is facing down into the tread. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head while the penny is in the tread, then you are most likely below the legal limit of tire tread on your tires, and they need to be replaced. In case you have different tires on your vehicle, then make sure to check each tire with the penny test.

Get A Quote

Don’t let worn tires ruin your summer vacation or weekend getaway to the beach, be sure to follow the above steps to make sure you are safe on the road this summer. If you need auto insurance, contact Maryland Auto Insurance today for a no-hassle quote.